Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Article Example Analysis Different people have different preferences when they choose a hotel to spend a night or eat a meal. Some of these qualities are influenced by price, location, service and suitability. Moreover, apart from choice of hotel, people travel to different destinations based on different reasons. As a result, the hotel industry has been affected greatly by different factors such as tourism or events like sports. We will look at business travel and sports tourism as analysed by two different academic journals. Business Travel: Business travellers are one the largest segments of people who drive the hotel industry. Most of these travellers prefer stating at mid-level hotels and some select prefer luxury hotels for their superior service. As a result, hotels located in the mid-level segment are known to offer services to customer based on certain qualities. Some to the qualities include fair prices, rewards scheme and good service (Swarbrooke,  2012). During the recent economic down turn that affected a lot of industries and sectors, the hotel industry was also greatly affected (Bowen, 2009, pp. 32-37). As a result, many hotel chains such as the Marriot International hotels strategically made it possible for their mid level hotels to position themselves in attracting business travellers. Mid-level hotels have segmented their business in such a way that it allows for people to enjoy long stay at the hotel with different services being offered (Kandampully, 2007, pp. 63). As a result, a lot of people enjoy amenities such as fast internet, conference rooms and breakfast offerings that would endear business travellers to such hotels (Knutson, 2009, pp. 38). Hotels like the Cairo Marriot hotel and the Marriot Mumbai International Airport hotels are examples of hotels which are built purposely for catering to the needs of business travellers. The Marriot hotel chain is an example of a hotel chain that has perfected the art of attracting business travellers. The hotel chain has done this through offering a loyalty program that targets constant and loyal customers. The loyalty program allows loyal customers to earn points which give them an opportunity of getting discounts and hotel packages unlike other customers (Davidson,  2008). Sports Tourism: this is the newest phenomena in the world of travel and in the hotel industry due to the number of people who travel. As a result, there are a lot of people who travel to different sporting events with the hope and aim of attending to these events. Events such as the World Cup, Summer Games, UEFA Champions League and other sporting events attract a lot of fans and sportsmen or women who visit these events create a new kind of tourism that boosts the hotel industry (Knutson, 2009, pp. 36). As a result, a lot of hotels offer services such as quality service such as good food and ambience that allows a fan or sports person to make use of hotel amenities in the event of attending the sporting event (Prit chard, 2003, pp 64-65). Some hotels offer services such as guided tours to stadiums, good gyms and training facilities for sport travellers. Some hotels also offer secrecy and exclusivity that is needed by sport people who need a lot exclusion to train and concentrate on their games. Another offering that is used by hotels is location in terms of closeness to sports venues and

Monday, February 10, 2020

Contract law part 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Contract law part 2 - Essay Example A meeting was arranged for Monday Spet. 14th to discuss the matter. At the meeting Brian told Alley that if alley did not accept to pay the  £14,000 claim food galore will no longer agree to make delivers on credit to alley and that the delivery for the next day will not be made. Alley was convinced that the claim by foods galore is unjustified; however, as he needed the credit arrangement offered by foods galore and since he did not have enough time to look for alternative supplies, he signed an agreement admitting that he owed foods galore  £14,000. Part of the agreement was a schedule for payment installment on a weekly basis. Alley paid the full amount of  £14,000 over a period of two years. One year later he commenced proceedings against Foods Galore seeking to recover the money on the grounds he signed the agreement under duress. Advise Foods Galore. Foods Galore has already intimated Alley regarding the invoicing error that happened two years back and gave advanced notice for the same. However, Alley was not convinced for this additional dues claimed by Food Galore. According to English court of law, the buyer (Alley) or seller (Foods Galore) has the choice to appeal his case if the terms of the contract are violated (Pollock, 1952)) between two persons or parties. The violation of terms of contract in tender calls is governed ultimately by English contract law. In the present case study, it is clearly apparent that Alley has already agreed that he was having due to Foods Galore and hence the Alley committed a mistake by agreeing to pay in accordance with the contract law provisions. However, Foods Galore was challenged for its claim by Alley after two years which is a matter of concern. There is every possibility that Foods Galore may be drawn to court of law for reconsideration of his decision. Hence necessary legal steps hav e to be taken by Foods Galore to get protection. Foods Galore has not