Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Feeding America - 1721 Words

Poverty Crises. Feeding America is a United States organization that consists of nationwide network of more than two hundred food banks and food rescue organization that serves the United States as well as Puerto Rico. It is the nation leading hunger relief charity. In the late 1060s, John van Hengel, a retired businessman in Phoenix, began volunteering at a local soup kitchen, and began soliciting food donations for the kitchen. He ended up with far more food than the kitchen could use and when he talked to his client around that time, she told him she regularly feeds her family with food discarded from the grocery store’s garbage bins. He then got an idea where there could be a place where discarded food items could be stored so that†¦show more content†¦The main industry is the agricultural sector which completely depends on the climate. There are strong linkages between poverty and environmental degradation, particularly poor water management, soil erosion, declin ing soil fertility and land degradation. In addition, the effects of climate change are undermining an already fragile resource base and have contributed to declining agricultural yields over the past decades. In recent years, drought has become a perennial problem in parts of Kenya. Episodes in 2009 and 2011 generated food emergencies, while flooding in 2010 affected parts of the country severely. In contrast with Lincoln Parish’s population growth rate which is nearly stagnant is Molo Parish, which is in, Kenya, one of the countries in the world with the highest population growth rates. Over the years, the population has more than tripled, greatly increasing pressure on the country’s resources. Together with a widening income gap, this has eroded gains in education, health, food security, employment and income. Also, HIV/AIDS is most prevalent among young and middle-aged Kenyans in Molo Parish, the most productive segment of the population. The illness leaves orphans and households headed by women that are even more vulnerable to poverty. The burden of waterborne diseases, malaria and HIV/AIDS weighs heavily on both the country and Kenyan families, affecting income, food security and development potential. Life expectancy fell to 46 years inShow MoreRelatedFeeding America Is A Non Profit Organization Created By John Van Hengel2359 Words   |  10 Pagesâ€Å"Feeding America is a non-profit organization created by John Van Hengel in the 1960’s† (U.S. Hunger Relief Charity | Feeding America ®, 2015). He was a retired business man who would volunteer at a local soup kitchen to feed the hungry| (Feeding America ®, 2015). â€Å"He came upon the idea after a women was desperately looking for food to feed her children†, â€Å"she suggested to him there should be a place to store unwanted food instead of throwing it out for trash so the hungry can go and pick up theRead MoreFeeding America840 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿ Feeding America Persuasive Speech Introduction to Communications Topic: Hunger in America Purpose: To persuade my audience to feed people in America that are less fortunate than we are. Thesis Statement: The number of American that does not have food to eat due to job loss, the economy, and other reasons are constantly growing. If we stuck together and helped one another, we could make that number that is constantly growing, decline. I. 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