Friday, May 8, 2020

Topic Analyses in a Research Paper

Topic Analyses in a Research PaperResearch papers that you write and submit for publication will be examined closely by the editors of the journal in which your work is published. It is therefore very important to carefully study all the important topics to discuss on a research paper so that the paper meets the high standards of quality expected of your work.The topics of your paper will probably be quite general and too long to get into in detail here but this is how important topics to discuss on a research paper are: (a) How do you define your topic, (b) What is the fundamental approach to your topic, (c) What are your aims, and (d) What evidence do you have to support these aims? These questions are critically important because it is the answers to them that can help you show you have a thorough and well-thought-out research plan. In the context of this discussion, it is essential to note that although these three elements are all important to your research they are not mutually exclusive.Although the basic structure of the research is the main issue, it is necessary to flesh it out in a few areas to ensure it is all up to scratch. This will often be done in the form of supplementary studies or a number of independent studies. Once again a brief outline of the most important topics to discuss on a research paper will help you with this consideration.How do you define your topic is perhaps the most important and specific issue you will address when writing the paper. What is the fundamental approach to your topic? For example, is your topic of interest the effect of food additives on allergic reactions in children? Or perhaps it is related to the effect of genetically modified foods on human health?In the latter case a specific question about genetically modified foods is an important topic to research, but any answers you gather from this subject area will obviously be relevant to other parts of your paper. Your main focus should always be on the key quest ion and how to answer it. Of course, once you have identified your primary question then the next major topic to discuss on a research paper will be how to investigate this important question.As I have already mentioned that is an important topic to investigate but not the only one and as this is a critical issue, there is a set of critical issues that you must address in your analysis. These include: (a) which study designs best address this issue; (b) why do you think this issue has significance to your topic; (c) how do you think the results from this study can help answer this issue; (d) how do you think the results from this study can influence the research agenda; (e) how do you see the research as being a success or failure; (f) what do you hope to achieve; (g) who do you consider your competitors are; (h) what can you expect from this project?As was indicated earlier, it is possible to write a comprehensive outline for the paper and ensure you cover all of the critical issue s but that will take far longer to complete than just finishing the major topics. As a result you might find that your outline is less detailed than you would like. As this is a critical project, it is advisable to leave some space in the outline to give yourself room to deal with the other issues.As you can see, it is important to pay careful attention to how you outline your important topics and how you implement each of the key points. Having a well-developed outline can make all the difference to the research outcome.

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